Register now for the 3rd pilot training course! 


We are happy to announce the 3rd pilot training course of the DigComp Hub project will run from 30th September 2024 to 25th October 2024, on the All Digital Academy Platform.

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp) and offers a practical methodology for effectively using it by E&T providers: from the identification of the digital skilling needs of adult learners, to the creation of education and training courses for them. By the end of the course, participants will have the knowledge and skills to confidently apply the DigComp Framework in their educational activities, equipping them to effectively contribute to the development of learners’ digital competences and promote digital inclusion.

Estimated study time: 14-16 hours 

Ιntroduction to the course

  • 1. Understanding DigComp: a brief history of the framework’s evolution and an exploration of its five dimensions
  • 2. DigComp applications & benefits
  • 3. Using DigComp to identify digital competence needs and priorities and assess initial levels of competences 
  • 4. Using DigComp to design and develop educational and training activities for adult learners
  • 5. Designing and delivering effective learning activities for developing DigComp competences
  • 6. Using DigComp to assess learning achievements and for competence recognition and certification

The primary target group are adult education providers including:

  • Managers / planners / strategic decision-makers
  • Curriculum designers
  • Educators, trainers, tutors and facilitators
  • People in charge of the formal assessment of learning achievements

The course might be of value also to other stakeholders interested in digital competence development, from policy makers in various sectors, to HR professionals and certification providers.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our support team in the DigComp Hub Forums or via direct message.

We welcome past and new participants! Your learning journey goes on!

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