The first step of the DigComp Hub (DCH) project is to identify and collect inspiring experiences of DigComp usage in the design and development of education & training (E&T) offers to adult learners.
These experiences will be:
- analyzed and used as a source of inspiration and study materials for the training and mentoring activities of the DCH project due to start by the end of 2023. These activities target curriculum and instructional designers and advisors, educators and management staff of adult education and VET providers;
- presented and disseminated widely through various channels, such as this CoP, webinars which will start during the All Digital Week 2023, social media and others. The DCH project aims to give visibility to DigComp experiences and promote the exchange of information and collaboration among DigComp practitioners.
In view of the above, we are looking for initiatives carried out by organisations operating in:
- Adult education (formal and non-formal) – offering digital learning experiences for adults in a Life Long Learning self-development perspective and supporting seniors, young NEETs and others at risk of digital and social exclusion;
- Vocational education&training – offering basic-to-intermediate level digital education to employment seekers and employees wishing to reskill and upskill;
- Higher education – offering curricula that include courses on digital competences and lead to degrees.
An explanation about the kind of experiences we are looking for is given in this support document. There, you will also find the typical implementation steps that we identified from past experiences of DigComp usage in the design and development of digital E&T offers targeting adult learners (see the DigComp into Action report).
Those of you who identify with the above stakeholder categories and meet the requirements listed in the support document are invited to fill out this DigComp inspiring experience description form (you can also download the form at this link to read and share it beforehand , but please fill out the online version).